Customer Reviews
I bought this product because I live in Michigan where our water has lead and 3 other carcinogens in it. Since I started drinking PREP-WELL in my juice, my chronic headaches and extreme fatigue have disappeared. I feel so much better, and this incredible product has no aftertaste or side effects!! I feel younger. ~Karen, Michigan
PREP-WELL has been my miracle supplement. I suffer with severe mercury poisoning and with that comes muscle weakness and diminished coordination, and memory problems causing me to feel that I struggle to just work and live. My naturopath suggested I take this in addition to my detox protocol and the minute I added this to my daily program my brain just started to work. It was amazing! I have had a CLEAR FOG-FREE BRAIN ever since, my coordination has returned, and my kidney function is normal now. After a month on this, I have very few symptoms and feel human again, better every day! I would highly, highly recommend this to everyone. I even give this to my 10 year old son and 12 year old daughter after they tested high for mercury as well. The doctors believe I passed it on during pregnancy. They like it because I mix it in their orange juice and it has no taste so they don’t care. ~Anna, Washington
We are using the PREP-WELL to remove heavy metals from vaccines (vaccinosis) in our dog. Appears to be working great, as he is rapidly improving. ~Christy, Texas
PREP-WELL is the best stuff I’ve ever found! I’m battling autoimmune disorders and Lyme Disease on top of it. If you need to detox, this brand came highly recommended by my doctor due to its purity level. PREP-WELL is powerful, and I am feeling great since using it. ~Joanna, Indiana
I purchased PREP-WELL just to give it a try and did not expect much. After about a week of taking it, I started feeling real good and it gives me clean energy and more. I usually drink an energy drink once a day or every other day, but now I feel like I don't need it. Me and my wife take PREP-WELL every morning now, and I just ordered 4 more jars. ~Roman, Washington
I wasn’t able to play guitar for about 5 years because of my arthritis, but after using the PREP-WELL for only about 3 days, my hands didn’t hurt so much and I could actually play my guitar again. I had bouts of gout every couple of months, but since using the PREP-WELL for 6 months, I haven't had one bout of gout! If I happen to miss a day or so, I notice that I don’t feel as good as I did and I get right back on using the PREP-WELL and within a few days, I feel good again! ~Ralph, Florida
After using the PREP-WELL for only about 3 days, I noticed that I had more energy. I’ve had fibromyalgia for 15 years, and after using the PREP-WELL daily for about 6 months, I really notice that I don’t have as many flare-ups, they don’t last as long, and they are not as painful. And ... an unexpected bonus is that I've lost weight without even trying! ~Billie, Florida
Thank you, thank you, thank you. You may not remember me but I met the owners in Lewiston at the preparedness meeting. I purchased the PREP-WELL. I can tell you that the PREP-WELL works. I have more energy and I feel great, maybe even 5 years younger. Awesome product. Thank you again. ~Robert, Idaho
You probably don’t remember talking to me last month, but I am the guy with severe gout and was off work for a week because I could not walk. I want to thank you for all your help and for allowing me to try your product. I have tried everything and nothing has worked so far. I am amazed...I received your PREP-WELL 2 weeks ago and have followed your instructions to the T. I noticed improvement in 2 days and in 4 days I was back at work walking with NO pain. I work in a warehouse and walk all day long. The swelling and the pain are gone and, believe it or not, I have lost 8 pounds. I feel great (better than I have in years). Thank you for helping me with this issue and giving me a new direction in my diet and health goals. Thank you so much. I think you guys are going to get busier as soon as people know how well your PREP-WELL works. ~Mark B
I absolutely love this Nano-ARC COLLOIDAL Silver! This is essential to help build up your immune system. My cold was gone very quickly instead of the 2 weeks it usually takes to run its course. Also great for the allergy season! ~Norma, Washington
My family has always been prone to sickness. So, when COVID-19 started, we looked for a solution. We started to use Nano-Arc COLLOIDAL Silver daily. No one has gotten sick. ~Sara, Minnesota
As a First Responder, I had used the QUICK-CLOT route, however it is way too expensive for personal use. Hence the XTREME KLOT product is far more attractive, and it has a 4 year shelf life without the burning sensation! ~Marcus, California
Purchased the XTREME KLOT to add to our first aid kit in our restaurant. After a couple of months, the kitchen staff have used more than half of them. The employees report XTREME KLOT works well on burns as well as cuts, and that it really stops the bleeding until they can get to the doctor for treatment. We have added XTREME KLOT to the first aid kits at our other two restaurants, and highly recommended XTREME KLOT for any restaurant and also family and friends. ~Gene, Idaho
XTREME KLOT is great sealer, especially for men on blood thinners that shave ... stops the nicks instantly. ~Rhonda, New York
The XTREME KLOT works well. Can get multiple uses out of each individual pack. ~Bob, Kansas
We have guys practically sever a limb and the XTREME KLOT clots it immediately, before the ambulance even gets there. ~Jerome, Oklahoma
For someone on Coumadin, XTREME KLOT is a must to have on hand. ~Fran, Florida
My husband is the most accident-prone guy in the world! Can’t go to the shop without getting maimed. My friend, Janice, recommended the XTREME KLOT, and I don’t know what I ever did without it. Simply open the package and pour it onto a bleeding wound. And he says it doesn’t hurt at all. Thank you, Janice, for finding this company and their products. ~Margaret, Montana
Thank you, thank you, thank you. You may not remember me but I met the owners in Lewiston at the preparedness meeting. I purchased the XTREME KLOT. I really never thought I would need to use the XTREME KLOT or hoped I would never need it, but as life would happen our family was out riding our mountain bikes and my son had a pretty bad wreck. He had several deep cuts and road rash and was bleeding all over. I had the XTREME KLOT in my pack and used it. I am sold, stopped the bleeding on contact. My son said it took all the burning away and it felt cool. We took him to emergency care, they washed his cuts, stitched some of them. The doctor asked what we put on his wounds and we told him the XTREME KLOT. He said he had never heard of it, but was going to call you and order for himself. Awesome product. Enclosed is my order for more XTREME KLOT. Thank you again. ~Robert, Idaho
BOOT FIX Reviews
I wear boots every day, I wear clean socks two times a day, but I have terrible foot odor. A hunting buddy recommended the BOOT FIX and I am sold. Worked 100% with one application in my boots! Just bought a whole box. Thank you. BOOT FIX works awesome! ~Richard, Montana
I run Iron Man marathons and battle ‘swamp foot’ and extreme foot odor. Tried everything, was skeptical but purchased the BOOT FIX and can’t believe how well it works. Destroyed my foot odor and cured the swamp foot. No longer have to leave my shoes in the garage. Do you have anything to improve my biking time? ~Tommy, Hawaii
I wanted to tell you how impressed I am with your FOOT RESCUE product. I am a naturopathic and chiropractor in Idaho. I work with patients with a long list of issues. I have been working with a group of young athletes suffering from swamp foot, athletes foot, cracking heals, etc. I decided to try your product with my patients, and now after only three treatments my patients are enjoying complete reversal and healing of their feet. Thank you for all your time and your product. ~Wellness Center Chiropractic, Idaho
My dermatologist suggested I try this for severe foot fungus complicated with cracking skin. I saw relief in one use!! I am sold on the FOOT RESCUE and am buying as gifts for family members. ~Joe, California
My dermatologist recommended the FOOT RESCUE to reduce the formation and irritation of skin tags, and we have found it effective. ~DR & LR, Oregon
The FOOT RESCUE really works and fairly quickly! My issue was cleared up in a matter of days. ~Amanda, Nevada
Thanks to my dermatologist for recommending the FOOT RESCUE. Nothing else ever worked, Lotrimin, Gold Bond, or any others. FOOT RESCUE works great on skin rashes and works great on feet too. ~Edgar, California
RAD STOP 30 Reviews
I recently toured Hanford Nuclear Facility and went straight home to order RAD STOP 30! This is the only product I have found that actually absorbs and removes radiation from your body. I don’t know why everyone doesn’t have this in their supplies. Thank you S4E Team. ~Mike, Oregon
I became very ill last month and found out it was a direct result of RoundUp poisoning from our farm. I talked to the owners of this company and they recommended RAD STOP 30. After taking the product for 1 week, my blood tests reveal no more poisons in my body, and liver and kidney function have returned to normal. I just bought more RAD STOP 30 and will be taking it daily while we look into non-toxic alternatives to RoundUp. ~Richard, Montana
After using the TOOTH POWDER for a few weeks, I have noticed my teeth are whiter, my gums feel great, and my taste buds are more sensitive to flavor. ~Denny, Minnesota
I am so pleased with the TOOTH POWDER. I went from using Sensodyne for the sensitivity issues I have. My teeth are healthier and whiter. I really like the Mint flavor. I would recommend to everyone to try. ~Alice, Minnesota
I tried the TOOTH POWDER because my gums bleed when I brush my teeth. I use it twice a day and my oral health is improving. My gums don't bleed anymore! I love the Bubblegum flavor. It is so easy to use, and my teeth feel so smooth after brushing. ~Marie, Florida
I am pleasantly surprised at how much whiter my teeth are! My whole mouth feels so clean after brushing with the TOOTH POWDER. I travel quite a bit, and the small sized jars are perfect to throw in my toiletry bag. Thank you for this awesome product! ~JR, Florida